What is a music teacher?

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Being a Music Teacher is having the best of many worlds. The stability of a job with a steady salary and yet you get to be musically creative at the same time. The creativity and musicality range from you performing in the school for special occasions or as an accompanist for various events. You also get a chance to compose and arrange for your students. There are also opportunities to develop as a director for choirs or bands and depending on the school and their budgets you might even get a chance to produce a recording.

What is required?

To be a music teacher you have to be a teacher. This means that all the training, knowledge and skills that apply to other teachers apply to you too. This is especially true if you intend to work in the government system. Be prepared to certify as a teacher at a Teacher’s College. Most Teacher’s Colleges have a music program so that your education is complete. You can also pursue a degree in Music Education at a local music college and it should prepare you to work in any high school or college.

It is possible to be a music teacher without a degree but it is most likely that you will not be paid on the regular payroll or you will be required to be paid as an “Untrained” teacher. 

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There are opportunities for you to operate your own private teaching music studio. Most persons will do this out of their homes at first and then as it develops and they get more students they bring on additional music teachers and they rent a place to conduct classes. The qualifications required for running a private teaching music studio vary depending on your clients and the music you are teaching. Being certified will give you a sense of authority in negotiating your fees, your musicality will allow your students to be inspired.

Grade exams and teaching diplomas


Avant Academy of Music is the sole representative of the London College of Music Exams and you can be certified at all levels of musicianship to put you on your path of becoming a music teacher. There are graded exams from Grade 1 to 8 to give you competency and knowledge to teach privately. There are also three levels of Teaching Diplomas to give you the tools to set up your own private music studio or to matriculate to a college to be certified to teach in the government system. The main benefit of doing the graded exams or teaching diplomas is that you do not have to go to a full-time university to complete the requirements. 

Take the next step

Contact us if you want more information on how the programs at Avant Academy of Music can help you to become a music teacher. 

Teaching Diplomas URL: https://lcme.uwl.ac.uk/media/1594/music-diplomas-syllabus-from-2019.pdf

Email: info@avantacademyofmusic.com and WhatsApp: (876) 829-3702
